BBS in a Box 5
BBS in a Box -Volume V (BBS in a Box) (April 1992).iso
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Last Updated: 02-24-1992
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41 B&C Encyclopedia 2 B AMUG BBS in a Box 03-30-1991
DESC: This stack is designed to help eliminate the frustration caused by
KEY: B&C Encyclopedia KBytes: 204800
DESC: Apple lack of full descriptions of System bombs. I've done my best
DESC: to give simple yet complete descriptions for the most common system
DESC: errors and WHAT TO DO ABOUT THEM. I hope you'll like this stack, it
DESC: is shareware ($15) and depending on the response, more error codes
DESC: (such as printing errors, etc.) will be added. Enjoy.
DESC: Keywords:Bomb,Crash,Encyclopedia,Help, System,Errors,
DESC: Stack,Shareware,MacSpect. Use Disk Doubler 3.1 to expand.
40 BabyNames.cpt 0 B AMUG BBS in a Box 10-24-1990
DESC: This stack is for those parents to be who can't decide what to name
KEY: BabyNames.cpt KBytes: 122880
DESC: Junior/Juniette. Similar to those baby name books with origin and
DESC: meaning of each name. Also can choose names at random, or according
DESC: to the first letter. Allows you to flag certain names for later
DESC: consideration. Also a list of the top ten names for each sex. Enjoy!
DESC: Hope it is useful to somebody.
39 Ball Players.cpt 0 B AMUG BBS in a Box 05-11-1991
DESC: Here are 63 line art scans of famous baseball players past and
KEY: Ball Players.cpt KBytes: 210944
DESC: present in a Hypercard 2.0 stack. You try to identify them and then
DESC: press the answer button to see if you are correct. Enjoy. Keywords:
DESC: Baseball, People, Clip Art, National Pastime, HyperCard, Fun.
38 Band Library.cpt 1 B AMUG BBS in a Box 07-09-1988
DESC: Band Library Hyper Stack
KEY: Band Library.cpt KBytes: 56320
37 Bar*Aid.cpt 0 B AMUG BBS in a Box 12-10-1990
DESC: This stack was designed for bartenders or anyone else mixing a
KEY: Bar*Aid.cpt KBytes: 33792
DESC: drink. Instructions are contained (easy to use) and the trivia is
DESC: interesting. I designed it for an introduction. Add your own drinks
DESC: by simply adding new cards, or look for updates in the future under
DESC: this name. Currently, eight drinks and their trivia are included.
DESC: NOTICE: This is a SHAREWARE stack. Cost to GEnie users: An EMAIL
DESC: reply to A.MITCHELL8 commenting on program.
36 BarButton.cpt 1 B AMUG BBS in a Box 11-26-1987
DESC: Another Hyper Stack button Maker
KEY: BarButton.cpt KBytes: 35840
35 Bartender.dd 5 B AMUG BBS in a Box 11-28-1987
DESC: Great Bartender Stack
KEY: Bartender.dd KBytes: 37888
34 Bat's Love Charm Kit 0 B AMUG BBS in a Box 07-05-1991
DESC: Bat's Love Charm Kit is a silly Hypercard stack that gives you
KEY: Bat's Love Charm Kit KBytes: 44032
DESC: analysis for those in love. Use Disk Doubler 3.7 to decompress.
33 BathroomHumor.dd 6 B AMUG BBS in a Box 09-23-1987
DESC: Strange Bathroom humor in Stack format.
KEY: BathroomHumor.dd KBytes: 77824
32 BBS Directory.cpt 3 B AMUG BBS in a Box 10-22-1987
DESC: BBS Directory version 1.1
KEY: BBS Directory.cpt KBytes: 37888
31 BBStuff.cpt 4 B AMUG BBS in a Box 11-26-1987
DESC: BBS Hyper Stack
KEY: BBStuff.cpt KBytes: 7168
30 Belgium HTB v1.0.cpt 0 B AMUG BBS in a Box 12-08-1991
DESC: Belgium HTB v1.0 is a stack in HyperText format about Belgium. Read
KEY: Belgium HTB v1.0.cpt KBytes: 45056
DESC: more about this topic in this HyperCard Stack from All American
DESC: software by downloading it. ©1991 Jeff Iverson and All-American
DESC: Software Development Corp. StudySystems and HyperTextBook are
DESC: trademarks of All-American Software Development Corp.
29 Benson1.41.cpt 0 B AMUG BBS in a Box 11-25-1988
DESC: Benson v1.41 MIDI Stack
KEY: Benson1.41.cpt KBytes: 87040
28 Better U.S. Map 1.1 0 B AMUG BBS in a Box 12-31-1991
DESC: Better U.S. Map 1.1 is a HyperCard stack that speaks and shows state
KEY: Better U.S. Map 1.1 KBytes: 58368
DESC: names and info about them. Provided by Terry Spivey of KY.
27 Beyond HyperCard 2.0 2 B AMUG BBS in a Box 02-14-1991
DESC: Beyond HyperCard 2.0 The stack team of Robyn and Rand Miller --
KEY: Beyond HyperCard 2.0 KBytes: 116736
DESC: creators of Cosmic Osmo and The Manhole -- reveal secret tips and
DESC: techniques for HyperCard 2.0. Beyond HyperCard displays four
DESC: techniques for animation, creating menus, grouping radio buttons
DESC: and displaying graphics. From MacUser.
26 Bicycle.cpt 4 B AMUG BBS in a Box 12-07-1987
DESC: Stack shows how to repair a bicycle.
KEY: Bicycle.cpt KBytes: 59392
25 Birds.cpt 4 B AMUG BBS in a Box 07-15-1988
DESC: Birds hyper stack.
KEY: Birds.cpt KBytes: 104448
24 Birthstack.dd 1 B AMUG BBS in a Box 01-10-1988
DESC: Birth Stack for HyperCard
KEY: Birthstack.dd KBytes: 24576
22 Blank 5 B AMUG BBS in a Box 09-13-1987
DESC: Blank - game Hyper Stack
KEY: Blank KBytes: 8192
21 Bloom County 3 B AMUG BBS in a Box 10-02-1988
DESC: Bloom County Cartoon with sound effects
KEY: Bloom County KBytes: 118784
20 BMUG DMV 0 B AMUG BBS in a Box 07-05-1991
DESC: BMUG DMV is a really large and cool BMUG Desktop Music Video. Disk
KEY: BMUG DMV KBytes: 747520
DESC: Doubled with version 3.7 it weighs in at 747k. Great music and
DESC: graphic ideas.
19 Bones 1.3P 0 B AMUG BBS in a Box 07-28-1991
DESC: This is the FULL VERSION of BONES! version 1.3, a HyperCard 2.0 dice
KEY: Bones 1.3P KBytes: 242688
DESC: Game. More fun than Yahtzee and easier to play, everyone we've shown
DESC: it to likes the game. (It's kind of additive!) Digitized sounds
DESC: follow the game play and this version allows complete use of the
DESC: full version. Shareware $10.00 if you like it. Carl Powell - Kids
DESC: Decompress with Disk Doubler 3.7.
18 Bookbinder.cpt 0 B AMUG BBS in a Box 02-17-1992
DESC: Bookbinder is a HyperCard stack based on a $10.00 shareware program
KEY: Bookbinder.cpt KBytes: 21504
DESC: by Ralph Gonzales. Bookbinder creates book style stacks for writing
DESC: instruction manuals, reference books, ect. It provides bookmarkers,
DESC: hot footnotes, and other nice features. The Think C programing
DESC: guide was created with bookbinder.
17 Bookmark.HC 1 B AMUG BBS in a Box 01-30-1988
DESC: Bookmark stack
KEY: Bookmark.HC KBytes: 10240
16 Books 1.dd 1 B AMUG BBS in a Box 09-23-1987
DESC: Library Books index stack
KEY: Books 1.dd KBytes: 16384
15 Boston Help 1 B AMUG BBS in a Box 09-07-1987
DESC: Boston MacWorld Help Stack
KEY: Boston Help KBytes: 8192
14 Bowling Scores.cpt 0 B AMUG BBS in a Box 10-29-1987
DESC: Bowling Scores in stack form
KEY: Bowling Scores.cpt KBytes: 25600
13 BrainStorm-2.5meg 0 B AMUG BBS in a Box 03-23-1991
DESC: BrainStorm is a great HyperCard tool for thought and idea
KEY: BrainStorm-2.5meg KBytes: 396288
DESC: processing.
11 Budget.cpt 2 B AMUG BBS in a Box 06-16-1988
DESC: Budget Stack
KEY: Budget.cpt KBytes: 35840
10 Bug Hunt.cpt 5 B AMUG BBS in a Box 08-16-1988
DESC: Hypercard game. Seek and Destroy Bug Eyed Monsters
KEY: Bug Hunt.cpt KBytes: 94208
8 Bureaus USA.cpt 2 B AMUG BBS in a Box 07-06-1990
DESC: A nice HyperCard stack listing many available service bureaus in the
KEY: Bureaus USA.cpt KBytes: 73728
7 BusinessClass.dd 2 B AMUG BBS in a Box 09-12-1987
DESC: Demonstration HyperCard stack created by Danny Goodman!
KEY: BusinessClass.dd KBytes: 147456
6 BusyCursor Stack 5 B AMUG BBS in a Box 10-27-1989
DESC: This stack allows you to change your busy cursor to different icons
KEY: BusyCursor Stack KBytes: 14336
DESC: including the globe and a turning screw head.
5 Button Animation 3 B AMUG BBS in a Box 01-30-1988
DESC: Button animation stack
KEY: Button Animation KBytes: 29696
4 Button Builder .dd 0 B AMUG BBS in a Box 07-03-1991
DESC: This stack builds sets of radio buttons and check boxes which
KEY: Button Builder .dd KBytes: 31744
DESC: conform to Apple’s user interface guidelines. Once built, you can
DESC: copy the buttons into any stack. Requires HyperCard 2.0 or better.
3 Button Mania 0 B AMUG BBS in a Box 07-05-1991
DESC: Button Mania is a Hypercard 1.2.5 stack that contains several icons
KEY: Button Mania KBytes: 251904
DESC: cards that may be used as buttons in your Hypercard stacks. Use
DESC: Disk Doubler 3.7 to decompress.
2 ButtonMaker.dd 1 B AMUG BBS in a Box 11-26-1987
DESC: Button Maker for Home Stack version 1.5
KEY: ButtonMaker.dd KBytes: 34816
1 By Love Insured .99 0 B AMUG BBS in a Box 07-05-1991
DESC: By Love Insured .99 is a desktop novel that weighs in at 458k Disk
KEY: By Love Insured .99 KBytes: 458752
DESC: Doubled using version 3.7. Will work with HyperCard 1.2.5. This
DESC: stack contains a really great graphic story format and lots of
DESC: bells and whistles.